Many marine creatures are captured and killed inadvertently by indiscriminate fishing gears.
Whenever there is fishing, there is bycatch. Every day, thousands of kilometres of nets and lines are deployed in the world’s oceans. Modern fishing gear, which is frequently invisible to the naked eye and exceedingly powerful, is extremely effective at catching the intended fish species—as well as anything else in its path. A remarkable amount of marine life is dragged up with the catch, including turtles, dolphins, and young fish, and then tossed overboard, dead or dying. It’s a pretty horrific way to die, and because it occurs at sea, many people are ignorant of the unintentional agony that occurs in order to catch the fish we eat.
Leaders in the fishing sector are increasingly aware of the need to eliminate this occurrence. There are tried-and-true methods, such as changing fishing gear such that fewer non-target species are captured or escape. In many situations, these adjustments are easy and affordable, and they are frequently made by fishermen themselves.
Despite modern technology and industry acknowledgment, bycatch remains a big concern. It not only results in preventable fatalities and injuries, but the fishing methods used can be damaging to the marine areas in which they are used. We need your help to push the people and government to take against this.
What are we doing about this?
Save The Seven Seas is creating awareness about bycatch with fisheries management authorities and urging government to take against in order to reduce bycatch. We are promoting more selective fishing methods to replace hazardous gears in order to protect marine ecosystems.
How can you help us?
If we work together, and make a world that respect the oceans, their inhabitants and the people who directly depend on them we can make oceans a better place for everyone.
If you want to lay an impact on this initiative and join our hands donate now and start a journey towards protection of marine ecosystem. For further details Contact Us, we would love to solve your queries.
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