The oceans are in more trouble than ever before. Yes, it is true. For decades people thought oceans are limitless and immune from human impacts. But recent studies have shown that we have already degraded the quality of the oceans.
12 million metric tons of plastic including plastic bottles, bags, microbeads and much more ends up in the oceans every year. That is equivalent to truckload of trash every 60 seconds or a minute.
The oceans are slowly turning into a plastic soup, and the effects on the oceans are very disturbing. Plastic pieces chokes and clogs the stomach of marine animals who mistake it for food, which increases the death rate of aquatic species. The plastic has now entered the ocean food chain and ends up in the seafood on our plates. That means plastic is been served to around 3 billion people who rely on wild-caught and farmed seafood daily.
But it doesn’t have to go this way. That’s why Save The Seven Seas is campaigning to end the flow of plastic into our oceans.
How to Protect the Oceans
We are urging all the large firms to take action in order to decrease the plastic footprint, and to stop making plastic packaging of material that is meant to used for few minutes before ending up on landfills, beaches and more. As these packaging incinerates, and contaminate our environment for lifetime.
We are also working towards addressing the major issues like unsustainable industrial fishing, ocean acidification, and climate crisis. That results in destroying habitats and endangering countless species. Contemporarily, overfishing kills about 63 billion pounds of marine animals per year. Human activities are disturbing the balance of the aquatic ecosystems across the globe. This also impacts the humans severely. As human trafficking and forced labour increasing in those areas.
You Can Help Protect the Oceans
If we work together, and make a world that respect the oceans, their inhabitants and the people who directly depend on them we can make oceans a better place for everyone.
If you want to lay an impact on this initiative and join our hands donate now and start a journey towards protection of marine ecosystem. For further details Contact Us, we would love to solve your queries.
Join the movement today! Our oceans need you. Donate now to fight plastic pollution in our oceans